Productivity Tools

Productivity tools with Onboard WiFi Hotspots

With GreatGuide’s new productivity tool kit you will know – in real time – what’s happening with your fleet. GreatGuide’s productivity tool kit allows you to automatically monitor and track all of your vehicle.

Commentary Systems

GPS Tracking

Gone are the days where GPS tracking means that you see 20 dots (or vehicles) on the map and assumes you know where each vehicle should be. With the GreatGuide system, as the driver selects their commentary route, our integrated tracking solution automatically allocates the bus to the assigned route and then compares it with your schedule.

All live updates are done via GSM data and in real time.

Commentary Systems

Commentary Systems

Commentary Systems


Allow GreatGuide’s new productivity tool kit to report on how well you have keep your schedule promise. One of the largest complaints from visitors is about the long times they needed to wait for their bus.

Our scheduling allows you to schedule your buses for either:

  • Fixed times departures – For infrequent departures e.g Stop 1 for 10.00, 10.45, 11.30 etc.
  • Fixed intervals – For frequent departures- 10 minutes service. This allows your operations room to easily monitor which buses are running ahead or slow of time.
    Should one bus on the same route overtake the bus that was ahead of it, our system will automatically reallocate the bus schedule order.

Commentary Systems

Let your customers know when the next bus will be arriving

Allow your visitors, either via a web browser or a dedicated app, to see when their next bus will be arriving.

Commentary Systems

Commentary Systems

Added benefit of a Wi-fi hot spot

By providing you with these productivity tools we have a GSM link to your vehicle, so for a small extra monthly fee we can turn your vehicle into a hot spot for your visitors.

Commentary Systems

How can we help you to maximise your profit?

Allow GreatGuide’s productivity toolkit and reporting system to:

  • Turn your bus drivers from “transit drivers” to “tour drives” and in doing so, enhance your visitors experience.
  • Automatically detect often used detours that have no commentary in them and then allow our technical support team to place commentary along these routes.
  • Analyze the driving conditions across your fleet over time and suggest how you can move to optimize the playing of your commentary.
  • Update any route modifications automatically via the cloud.
  • Are you loosing valuable time or revenue by your buses waiting excessive times at bus stops selling tickets? – allow us to report on passenger movement stop by stop so that you can plan better to keep you buses on schedule.
  • Plan on how you spend your marketing budget by giving you statistics on what languages were listened to, week by week.
  • Ensure that the multilingual language system is working on all of your seats.
  • Monitor faulty seat units per zone ( upper deck, lower deck etc..) so that you can ensure that in peak periods you are not loosing income due to faulty seat units.

Commentary Systems

Commentary Systems

Productivity tool kit compatibility

No matter what multi-lingual system you are using, speak to us about our conversion/ upgrade kit that will allow you to have all of the above benefits while still keeping your existing non GreatGuide seat units.

Capture the spirit of travel

and partner with the GreatGuide 360° experience!

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